
We really enjoy what we do and
are convinced that your kids will too!

Children deserve a great start in life. Providing children the best in health, nutrition, development and learning
foundations will benefit individuals as well as families.

Rite Stride is the new way of bringing fitness and healthy lifestyle program for children from Pre-KG to 12th.

We specialize in programs for:

Rite Stride has a team of highly motivated staff members that are the perfect role models for your students.
We lead by example and aim to inspire by PERFORMING rather than just talking!


At Rite Stride we have taken the latest western concepts and applied them to our own Indian teaching methods. This, we believe has created the best possible physical and nutrition education program. We continually seek to update and improve on the educational experience. We are here to raise the bar and make a difference!


To create a well-rounded child, who is active, confident and healthy.
Rite Stride kids are physically fit and mentally alert.
They are ready to take on the world!


If children cannot find any activity they enjoy by the time they are teenagers, they remain inactive for the rest of their lives.
We should not let children fall into this state of inactivity. We firmly believe the more they burn, the better they learn.


Hello. Thank you for taking the time to find out about Rite Stride. Throughout my career as a Pharmacist, I have grown to understand the importance of getting children on the right track from an early age to have a healthy lifestyle and to avoid chronic diseases. We are committing ourselves to a better India. I hope you will join us!

- Vijaya Lakshmi

Copyright©2016 rite stride